Cascade Arcade

Gateway Scalability in Industrial IoT
With the rapid advancements in the various facets of Information Technology, there has been an immense growth in the field of the Internet of Things with an increasing focus on Industrial IoT. Industrial IoT is poised to transform traditional linear manufacturing processes into a connected system with greater emphasis on data driven decisions. There is now a greater need to monitor the performance of assets and machines ensuring transparency in production efficiency and cost.
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Industrial IoT – The Pathway for Business Process Optimization
The term “Industry 4.0” is the face of the fourth Industrial Revolution taking place right now. There is a lot of scope for companies to save costs and time and even expand their markets by implementing IIoT solutions to gain valuable insights.

Wireless Technologies
The field of IoT is dependent on various communication technologies to deploy systems. In this post, we find out about a few of the emerging wireless technologies and how they can be used.
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IoT Security Frameworks
What’s something we all agree is very important for IoT? Security. In this series of Articles on IoT Security Frameworks, we look at the various security concepts & mechanisms, cryptographic principles and why security is very important for IoT. With the increasing awareness of the safety hazards and privacy issues, it has become imperative for Cybersecurity to evolve and IoT devices and solutions to be equipped with up-to-date, fool proof security mechanisms.
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Need of the hour: A Unified Identification Scheme for IoT
With “Connected things” being the basic premise of the IoT Industry, it stands to reason that identifying your connected things using a generic, common identification method would be the foremost important exercise you would undertake when you are entering the IoT arena in any significant capacity. This much needed exercise is rendered difficult due to the unavailability of a Unified Identification Scheme (IS) for IoT as yet.
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How does IoT enable Industry 4.0
With the super-fast pace at which technology is developing and changing the landscape in the Industrial world, IoT, automation, Industrial 4.0 are some of the hottest buzzwords which are also often used interchangeably. These in fact are interrelated and aid each other in making the Smart Factory a reality.
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CASCADEMIC becomes MICROCHIP’s Authorised Design Partner
MICROCHIP’s worldclass Design Partner network comprises of small design houses to large international corporations. This helps the Bangalore-based Industrial IoT Solutions provider connect with Design Partners and customers in need of cost-effective, customized IoT Solutions in addition to providing access to huge Technical expertise of the community to tap into.
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LoRa and its suitability for IoT
With the explosion of Connected Devices and the IoT Revolution comes the challenge of choosing the right technology to use to communicate in your IoT application. There are already a myriad of them: WiFi, BT/BLE, ZigBee, Cellular, 6LoWPAN and others, with new standards being born even as we speak.
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